A splendid example of what can be achieved with a sensible level of high-quality modern lighting in an urban setting. The installation is complementary to the red-brick architecture and friendly layout of this vista in the heart of Swindon and results in an interesting, comfortable and relaxing night-time environment: there's sufficient illumination to maintain constancy of vision and yet it's not so uniform as to subsume detail and a sense of place.

The lights are 150W Metal-Halide, giving a warm white light; chosen in this instance to highlight the Town Hall. The colour-temperature of the light appears to be in the region of 2700-2800k: about that of a tungsten bulb and a world away from the tangerine fug of HPS on surrounding streets. It is worth pointing out that these halides
are quite a pricey light in terms of initial purchase cost: three to four times that of 150W HPS. Ah, civic pride. Feel the quality. But just don't expect to see them beautifying Commercial Road in the near future.
Not for the likes of us, eh? Great site, by the way. Keep it coming! Rgds, Craig
>>The lights are 150W Metal-Halide, giving a warm white light; chosen in this instance to highlight the Town Hall.<<
wow 8|
Where you taking these technix data? Outstanding! Never thought that someone can talk about different lights with great Enthusiasm, such as you...
Thanks for the compliments. All graciously received. I do try and infuse the subject with passion:- but it's more an aesthetic than a technical interest. I'm evangeligal about the benefits of white-light streetlighting, as it transforms environments and, sensibly applied, could be a serious contribution to reclaiming a dark sky at night.
Evangelical, even.
Apologies for the lack of recent updates. Now that a few people are linking here, the improved motivation I'm feeling will surely breed a new batch of photees in due course.
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